Imagine a convoy of 150 long haul trucks emerging from different directions, finally making their way to a special celebration in Kroonstad Shell Ultra City to mark 25th anniversary of the Trucking Wellness.

Every year for 25 consecutive years, the Trucking Wellness Programme (TWP) has saved lives and contributed significantly to the health and safety of trucking industry employees. 

Since inception to October 2024, TWP has provided healthcare education to 1 004 100 long-distance truck drivers, sex workers and community members. Furthermore, 632 969 patients have received consultations and various forms of treatment and care. In addition, over 34 million condoms were distributed. 

At the event which is scheduled for 3 December 2024, truckers can expect several jubilant speeches by the General Manager of Funds and Wellness Administration; Famida Rahman, and speakers from the Corridor Empowerment Project, the programme’s partner in truck driver health care.

On the day, there will be free onsite health checks, giveaways and refreshments for truck drivers.

Looking back to the 1990’s, one can only imagine what the trucking and logistics industry looked like prior to the establishment of the programme. The biggest threat to long-haul truck drivers at the time was a mysterious and fatal infection that many of them succumbed to. 

The severe existential threat of HIV/AIDS decimated the industry’s professional driver pool. This alarmed industry stakeholders, and it was clear something had to be done.

The team behind Trucking Wellness had a clear and challenging vision to take HIV/AIDS education and treatment to the workplace. This meant getting the message to the long-haul truckers on the network of national logistics corridors and highways. 

“We realised from early on that our role had to be expanded,” said Tertius Wessels, Managing Director of Corridor Empowerment Project (CEP). 

“From just addressing the HIV/Aids pandemic, we also had to tackle conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels among truck drivers.” 

With milestones like these behind us, we can only look forward to the road that lies ahead.

Media is invited to attend the Wellness Roadshow scheduled as follows:

Date: 03 December 202

Time: 16:00 – 22:00

Venue: Kroonstad Shell Ultra City

For media enquiries, contact Amos Tshabalala on am*************@nb****.za / 0711089385